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5 Bad Marketing Habits You Need to Ditch Now
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5 Bad Marketing Habits You Need to Ditch Now

Here at Skeepers, we try to share a lot of tips and tricks to make sure you are making the most of your marketing and understanding all of the great things that surveys can offer you in regard to your clients.

However, in this post, we’re going to switch gears in order to discuss some of the things that you shouldn’t do if you want to avoid common marketing mistakes. In our opinion, the five habits below will cut into your precious time and lead to a lot of wasted energy and confusion.

#1 Writing filler content

The first habit to knock from your marketing routine is writing filler content. By filler content, we mean hastily written, non-researched blog posts and information graphics that are artificially pumped up with SEO keywords in an attempt to get clicks.

Writing filler content like this is a waste of everyone’s time, both yours and your readers. Not only is Google catching on to artificial keyword density in garbage articles, but your readers will catch on too; and they won’t appreciate having their time wasted by being sent to an unreliable site, and this will affect your customer experience.

Instead of spending time pumping out high quantities of filler content, spend your time writing half as many quality pieces of content and then share them via social media and email twice as often as you would with garbage articles. You’ll save everyone a lot of time and headache, and you’ll get meaningful and repetitive traffic to your site.

#2 Live tweeting- use automation!

Social media is great for instant updates, but it can also be very time consuming to log on to Twitter and Facebook 5 or 6 times a day in order to post.

That’s why live posting should only be reserved for things that need to be talked about in the moment – such as breaking news or live tweeting from events.

For your daily social media posts, rely on automated posts instead to save you time. Tools like Hubspot (we’re using it) and even free softwares like Hootsuite allow you to schedule social media posts in advance so that you can get all of your social media posting out of the way on Monday morning.

#3 Blind marketing

One of the most important habits to ban from your marketing routine? Marketing without knowing your audience. So many marketing campaigns are created based on an unresearched and unfounded idea of what the company thinks their audience wants and needs.

Your customer base and online audience are often far from what you believe them to be. This is why you need to conduct targeted research in order to get a realistic idea of who your customers are and who you should be marketing to.

Smart surveys, interviews, and competitive audits are all great ways to do this, but make sure to reassess your customer base every quarter as it is likely to grow and change.

Click here to discover why learning from your customer is essential and how to ask the right questions!

#4 Gathering too much data

Learning about your customers is excellent and necessary as a marketer. However, many marketing teams often fall into the trap of collecting a ton of data, and then not properly analyzing it.

With data collection, the same rule applies as with content creation: Less is often more, and always go for quality over quantity. For any data collecting initiative, choose 3-4 metrics that you hope to measure, and make sure they are the right ones.

It will allow you to really dive and make sense of what you find out.

#5 Rewarding customer acquisition over customer retention

It is very common in marketing to focus on winning new customers. In reality, at least half of your efforts should be spent on keeping your current customers happy– and that means increased customer satisfaction and maximizing the customer experience.

The key to a successful marketing campaign is being able to invite new people in while you also reward those who have been around. That’s why creating a company culture is so important; it makes your current customers feel like they are “in” on your culture, and makes new customers curious about what you have to offer.

It can be tempting to focus on campaigns that will attract new blood; but in order to keep your ROI high and reduce churn, you need to make sure your current customers are happy and speaking highly of you.

Are these habits something you and your colleagues are guilty of? If so, take some time to rethink your marketing strategy with these tips in mind, and let it help you make the most of your hard work and energy.

Download Ebook How to Learn from your Customers and Get Ahead of your Competitors